This weekend I finished my master practitioner NLP. Yes, I rock! I have been stretching out of my comfort zone a LOT during these days and it was so totally worth it. I knew the only way to get the most out of it was to be really open and honest. Well, that was a nice stretch (I am soooo flexible 🙂 ) and guess what, it paid off. And people let me know that they appreciated me opening up, that it was inspiring and encouraging to open up themselves. What an eye-opener. I could actually do something for others by just helping and being myself. And by opening up I gave them a chance to get to know me, which improved my relationship with them.
At the end of the last day, we got a goodie bag in which everyone had put a little something that expressed their appreciation. I got a lot of kind, loving and uplifting words. And as in the practitioner training, it made me realize once again how beautiful everyone is in their own unique way. All those beautiful people created an environment in which I felt safe enough to open up myself and share things that are challenging for me. And all of them responded with such kindness and let me know they appreciated me for who I am.
BeYOUtiful! I don’t know who came up with this, but I think it’s brilliant. It says it all. You are beautiful by just being your own beautiful self. When you can see your own beauty, you can see the beauty in others as well. How will the world look like when we are all able to see that beauty? I wish for everyone to discover their own beYOUtiful self.